Saturday, December 13, 2014

Check out TTRS on Tumblr

Hey... you can now find us at! If you're nice, we'll follow back! :)

the TTRS staff

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Funny random stuff round up- JULY 2014

ok so we haven't really been blogging much recently cause we're all doing other Totally Random Stuff, sorry about that. to make up to all fourteen or so of our fans, here's some awesome random funny stuff we've collected over the summer thus far. 
we love our Nic Cage here at TTRS (just click on the tags to see our other relevant posts), so we laughed very hard at this: (you may need to click on the photo to enlarge) 
 SpongeBob makes for some... interesting... tumblr posts:
 This is the kind of thing you will only see in Russia:
 Benedict Cumberbatch is not really as good as Sherlock in real life:
 ...And Tom Hanks is awesome.
 Meanwhile, we have Buster and some wonderful theoretical physics:
 Also a couple of "muscularly challenged" gentlemen:
And this... well this is our absolute FAVORITE, BUT WE CANT SHOW IT because it's too small, so just click the link. it involoves a cheeseburger, a powerful microscope, a hair, a dog, and... another cheeseburger.

well now you have seen TTRS's July 2014 Guide To The Internet. You have also just wasted several minutes of your life. HOW DOES THIS MAKE YOU FEEL

this is wonderful

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Kim-Jong Cage

Nic Cage, the king of memes. And Kim Jong Un.

NOTE- you can see our previous post of Nic Cage memes here. ~TTRS editors

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monday, June 9, 2014


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Mark Twain everybody

Never let your schooling interfere with your education.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Some stuff

I made some stuff!

yeah, basically

Good question

A routine conversation between TTRS staff members:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Listverse again

Seawise Giant

The Seawise Giant was a product of the late 1970s when supertankers were being constructed in shipyards all over the world to meet the demand for crude oil. After she admirably bankrupted her original Greek owners while still under construction, the Giant was acquired by a Hong Kong shipping magnate who looked at her monstrous dimensions, remarked that it wasn’t quite big enough, and further increased her size to its dizzying final form.
The Seawise Giant was so gargantuan that her length was measured in skyscrapers and her deck area measured in soccer fields. At 450 meters (1,500 ft) with a width of 69 meters (225 ft), she was so large that she couldn’t pass through the English Channel and was so heavy that she took 9 kilometers (5.5 mi) to come to a complete stop.
Her immense size most likely saved her in 1988 when she was attacked by Iraqi fighter jets during the Iran-Iraq war while traveling through the Straits of Hormuz. She remained easily accessible for salvage in the shallow waters in which she partially sank. After being resurrected in 1989, she continued service under a litany of different names until 2004, when she was moored as a permanent offshore loading and storage platform in the Persian Gulf. The Knock Nevis, as she was renamed, would never see the open ocean again. In 2009, like many other commercial naval vessels, she was sold to be scrapped in Alang, India.
The only thing that remains of the world’s largest ship is her 36-ton anchor, which now resides in front of the Hong Kong Maritime Museum.
Patrick studies Industrial Design at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is fascinated with big things and often spends far too much time researching tall buildings and large ships rather than focusing on more fruitful ventures such as Facebook and Twitter.

basically all of my information comes from listverse, mental floss, and popular science. 

...and here's what Yahoo paid $1.1 billion for:

New Google+ page

Well now we no longer have to use Ethan's Google+ profile for TTRS; we set up a TTRS Google+ page HERE:

Follow TTRS for totally random updates on all things awesome!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Q is for Quail

I have to draw a nature-related object shaped like the letter it starts with for my art class, so I settled on "q" and "quail":

~ Tate


He is our kind of guy. He will soon be on the TTRS staff (if he can be turned to the Dark Side):

thanks to +AmazingThings

Die now.

A new poll is up and we at TTRS figured some of the choices may need some explanation. 

Suffocating in ash - takes a long time to die. Very agonizing. According to the TTRS pain/death/execution expert, it can take several hours, during the whole time it feels like you are suffocating

Disembowelment - getting your guts ripped out, basically

Bronze Bull – handy Wikipedia page

Bamboo Torture - having bamboo grown up through you as you're tied to the ground

Botched electric chair - very painful. You may melt/burn alive. See Stephen King's The Green Mile, part five (we think) 

So now you are an expert and can answer the poll to the best of your ability. The poll is on the left sidebar, beneath "Contact US". 

we are also gonna do this

Go around the world and meet people actually named Ronald McDonald. Ask them what it’s like, discover the meaning of life, etc.

we are gonna do this

Are You Kevin Bacon?
Walk out front door with a backpack and a fistful of cash. ONLY ask people the three following questions:
“Are you Kevin Bacon?”
“Do you know Kevin Bacon?”
“Do you know anybody that knows Kevin Bacon?”
Don’t look back until you find Kevin Bacon. Never use the internet or phone.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

TTRS May 2014 recap

Wow... May was a productive month. We celebrated the 1-month anniversary of TTRS (we haven't spontaneously combusted yet!), and published XXX totally random posts! 

Our most popular posts this month: 
1.) Just another crazy licking goat GIF - this post featured a pair of GIFs brought to Tate's attention by guest writer Qate. Hardly surprising that it's the most popular this month: combine two amazing GIFs, Tate's epic "Breaking Plates" joke, not to mention the fact that we actually got a pretty girl to help us write something :) ... as Ethan put it, "we need more posts like this." 

2.) The Barcode Tattoo Parody Book Covers - Ethan worked some photo-editing magic to create these awesome parody covers of the worst book on the planet. Ever. 

3.) 4 Incredible Rocks... - ...that look just like people. We can't take too much credit for this one since we blogged it from The Onion. But it did get us several pageviews. 

Also this past month: 
- Miles took us past the 100-post mark by writing several blank posts
- We published two polls- "Which country is cooler" and "which two-word Google phrase is cooler"
- TTRS is now on Google+ (under editor Ethan's name) here:
- We scouted Twitter for stereotypical country music tweets and Birds Rights Activist
- We also blogged lots of cool sciencey things from Listverse...
- and a lot of GIFs...
- Kogen joined the TTRS staff and wrote a few posts

It was a good month, and we look forward to providing y'all with tons more randomness here on TTRS! 

John Williams, you sneaky devil

Look at what's in the original score for Star Wars: 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

guys i realized something

The Dancing Pig from this post TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE GENE SIMMONS! 

#you can't unsee it! 

Artistic ability at its finest

Look... we've created an ultra-realistic model of TTRS's very own Nick:

Sculpting masters Tate and Kogen are available for commissioned works. You can contact them at 1-800-SCAM. 

Australian Farmer Named Royalty by Accident

Australian Farmer Named Royalty by Accident

In the late 1960s, Leonard Casley grew way too much wheat, which could only ever be a serious problem if you live in Australia. You see, Australia had wheat quotas at the time and Hutt River (the province where Casley and other families grew) had inadvertently surpassed it, meaning they weren't allowed to sell any of it. When they petitioned for the quota to be raised, the governor responded by saying, "No," and filing a law to take their land away. THAT'S how serious Australians are about wheat.

Wheat and dingoes are two things they never take lightly.
In a desperate attempt to delay the legal process, the five families of Hutt River seceded from Australia under the Treason Act of 1495. This would have been as pointless as that time you were five and told your mom you were leaving home... if the government hadn't accidentally referred to Casley as "Administrator of Hutt River Province" in official correspondence, which actually gave him legal recognition as a ruler under Australian law. Yes, in Australia, calling someone something magically turns them into that.

His full legal name is now "Hugh J. Wolverine."
Taking full of advantage of the mistake, Casley declared himself His Majesty Prince Leonard I of Hutt, meaning it was now treason, under Australian law, to charge him with any crime or interfere with how he ran his new country.

Prince Leonard can make it so all dudes have to wear necklaces, if he wants to.
Could Australia have stopped him? Sure. But by the time they got around to it, the statute of limitations had run out. So as of 1972, The Principality of Hutt River had officially seceded from Australia and stopped paying income taxes.
As of the modern day, Hutt River is still separate, while Australia treats it as a private business that doesn't pay them taxes and just tries, really hard, to pretend it's not there.

In all fairness, it's a pretty small chunk.

Read more: